27.장식갯민숭달팽이 (신칭)Cadlinella subornatissima
Cadlinella subornatissima Similar in externals shape and morphology to Cadlinella ornatissima with a interwoven network of spicules throughout the mantle and body wall. There are many elongate round-tipped tubercles scattered all over the mantle, muchlarere and more elongate than in C. ornatissima. The mantle glands see to be restricted to small spherical sacs forming a broad band around the mantle edge. Although the general colour of the two species is similar, in C. subornatissima the yellow background colour is restricted to the central part of the mantle, there being a broad colourless band around the edge of the mantle skirt. Another difference is that there is broad basal colourless patch around each tubercle in C. subornatissima, while in C. ornatissima the yellow background colour extends right up to the base of each tubercle.
백색체색에 노란색이 동 면의 중앙에만 보이나 각각의 돌기 기저부에는 흰체색이 그대로이며 손가락처럼 긴돌기들의 끝은 연분홍색이다.비교적 깊은 수심에서 서식한다.
한국 후새류도감 의 저자 이신 고동범형께서 2006년 9월 16일 촬영한 사진이 있습니다.
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